Date: November 15th, 2020
Location: Nail Posh Studio, Washington Heights, New York

On scene, I arrive to the grand opening of Nails Posh Studio. Everything that you’d expect to see at a grand opening of a nail salon was in its proper place.
Balloons, check. Champagne, check. Beautiful women, check. Brooklyn
Hip-Hop star Phresher, okay… Wait, whose baby is this??

I caught up with entrepreneur, medical aesthetician and founder of Nails Posh Studio, Shameeka Rosario, for answers. “Everyone is out here because I’m
creating a cause, giving back. First responders, victims of domestic
violence and cancer survivors get 15% off!” Shameeka informed me.
…And when she said everybody, she meant it. Entertainers, politicians, brothers and sister ranging from 5 months to 70 years old attended. Malcolm Smith, Music/Media Director of GP Public Relations had this to say, “It’s the right mixture of people. Any event we do, the goal is to make it family oriented.” Then beautiful woman asked him to hold her baby for a moment (definitely a first for me). As we laughed about Malcolm babysitting during the interview, he left me with this, “… Bridging the gap is HUGE, because different generations have their own culture. We try our best to pass the culture down to the kids but they have their own thing going. So we MUST bring everyone together, like this.”

As I walked through the small yet big salon, I could not help but appreciate the feng shui. The color of pink perfection covers the walls. The entire back of the shop is a dedicated shrine of Barbie dolls. One side for your good girls and the other for the “not –so good” girls. DJ Cookz held it down with the sounds of evening. One of the sponsors for the event, Sudain Savoury, from the Revenge of The Doubted brand expressed how proud he was of the salons opening. “ We’ve all been doubted before, sometimes by ourselves. No matter what you go through, you gotta keep pushing towards your dreams. People gonna doubt you but never forget, success is the best revenge.”
Before making my exit I couldn’t help but notice all of the black and
brown faces with big smiles as they received manicures, pedicures whilst
sipping on champagne. I asked Shameeka how did she create such a warm and
inviting vibe? She confidently replied, “I love to leave my touch on
people. If they come to me sad or not feeling pretty, when the leave
the salon they feel replenished, gorgeous and youthful. When they walk
out the door we make them feel as if they can take over the world!”
As told by Jimmysodope